Welcome to Sharudin Jamal Blogspot

More than two decades ago, I was diagnosed of having a peculiar illness known as Bipolar Affective Disorder. My world as I knew it crumbled; I lost my business, then my job and later my sense of purpose. It was during this dark moments I rediscovered the joy of running and writing. Most of the articles here are about my rekindled pleasure of hitting the tarmac, my coming to terms with the illness and my discovery of the meaning of life.

I always on the lookout for inspirations to write in these three areas with the hope that they will shed new ray of hope to others who are in the same position as I am.

Do keep in touch if you feel connected through these essays.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Prepared in Mind and Resources

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So imagine a few pictures put together to form a story.  Some of these finished products are the products of my creativity.  I like artistic challenges especially in arranging stuff, either graphically or physically.  I seldom start from scratch.  A lot of these like items one and two are cut and paste efforts, the turbine spiral is an artwork using fractal geometry.  The Van Gogh Sunflower are jigsaw puzzles.  They belong to my wife.  The last one is using the good old paper and color pens.  

This is how I keep my mind occupied.  I am always arranging.  The arrangements in my house are mostly my effort.  I am in charge of home decor especially when comes to buying interior decorations.  My house is my heaven, my Firdaus.  Fir in the house, get it?  The only place I want to be.  That is why even my office is at home.  Literally a home office.

The door sign is the most interesting project.  It may look regal, but actually, it is made from cardboards and paint I bought at the DIY store.  I use the laser printer to print the characters and traced it.  It says, "Fok, Lok, San, Hei" meaning prosperity, harmony, longevity and happiness.  In the olden days. Chinese shopkeepers hung plaques at their shop entrance as a source of motivation.  I thought I keep that tradition since my wife is half Chinese.  Plus I am so into the culture of the Orient.

So if I ask you to write an essay based on these pictures, will you be able to come up with one?  My essay will be about a story larger than life.  Something that you thought may only happen in fiction but it's very real and yet sunder.  How I wish I can explain what is happening in the alternate dimension.  Of the majesty of heaven and the dwellers.  And yet it is also a story of strict reprimand.

Let me just say that there are ninety-nine heavens and one hell.  It's a figure of speech.  Or perhaps I just stop explaining and let you see what I am trying to show you.  Someone asked Helen Keller, "What is worst than being blind?"  Helen replied, "Those who have eyes but cannot see."  And thus stands the idiom, in the land of the blind the one eye is king.  It's a duality.  Yet it is a spiral.

Words cannot describe the amount of things that I want to tell you.  Enough if I say... and they all live happily ever after.  

Seek and you shall find;
Ask and it will be answered;
Knock and it will be opened onto you.

I give you a hint.  You can start by asking yourself the question, "Who am I?"  How are you to enter heaven if you don't know your essence?  You may have to forgo your past limiting beliefs in order to reach for the answer.

Happy writing...

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