Welcome to Sharudin Jamal Blogspot

More than two decades ago, I was diagnosed of having a peculiar illness known as Bipolar Affective Disorder. My world as I knew it crumbled; I lost my business, then my job and later my sense of purpose. It was during this dark moments I rediscovered the joy of running and writing. Most of the articles here are about my rekindled pleasure of hitting the tarmac, my coming to terms with the illness and my discovery of the meaning of life.

I always on the lookout for inspirations to write in these three areas with the hope that they will shed new ray of hope to others who are in the same position as I am.

Do keep in touch if you feel connected through these essays.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

15/6/22 As I walk

  I had been wanting to write this bit for a long time but had not managed to find the right moment to squeeze my creative juice to make it readworthy.

However, I decided to write  *i[s] (it) anyway as my love offering to Puteri Els Dine[], the Queen of Laughter and the Smelly Baby for her sheer delight.

* Thank you for the encouragement, Sarah and Els.

My topic is Universal Love and Abundance Thinking.

Sarah, I hope you remember when I said, love, is like a bowl of water.  You cannot cut a bowl of water and divide it.  That is the principle of Universal Love; you cannot divide it.  All you can do is either have a big bowl or a small bowl.  Either you have a big heart or a small heart.  The love itself is ubiquitous.  In order to love, you must have a loving heart.

Therefore, the love I have for the Creator is the same love I have for my wife and kids.  It is the same love I have for everything including life itself.  In order for me to love the Creator, I have to love the creations.  That is the Universal Love, the Unconditional Love, the True Love.

Universal love is in abundance.  It is unlimited.  I can love Lizzie to the max while I do the same thing to Elsie.  The same thing with Sarah, who loves me dearly and her partner equally the same.  So does Elsie towards her family as well as towards me; I presume.  You can't compartmentalize love.

That is why, when you love someone, you love all animate and inanimate creations.


Love has to be experienced,  You should not conceptualize love and expect to understand it firsthand.  To love is to give selflessly.

When we talk about love, very often we tend to associate love with sex and marriage. They are actually separable although not necessarily exclusive.

Monogamy for example was a recently created tool.  As a species, humans are not meant to be monogamous.  Throughout history, we are a polygamous and polyandrous society.  

So this is where Abundance Thinking comes in.  When you give in a big way, by the Law of Cause and Effect, you will receive back in a big way too.  It has to be, it's the law.


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